Friday, April 10, 2020

Zodiac Signs- Astrology- Body parts

When we would analyze a Horoscope chart in terms of body issues and health concerns we would pay attention both to signs and planets as well as the houses. For example, we have been having headaches quite often. The head is associated with Aries and the first house. We would need to pay attention to any planet in the first house. Mars rules the sign of Aries and it could bring pain, pressure or burst of energy and even accidents to the head. Other planets in Aries would be important as well.
However, Mars could be in square (disruption of the flow) with Mercury (lots of thinking and confusion in terms of decisions), Saturn (tiredness and low energy) or any other planet in our Horoscope chart. Transits would also be important and might give us more insight, too. In that term the first house is connected to the head, the second house is connected to the throat… But, when we are talking about issues with the body and overall health the sixth house needs to be taken into careful consideration, as well.

So there is really no simplification, but there is always a very deep and meaningful answer when we turn to our Horoscope chart. Sun sign of a person will often bring an issue that will be present throughout the life and we can see this quite often.

However, as we can connect parts of the body with the planets and every planet is related to one chakra, if there is an issue we are facing with, meditations and visualizations focused on a specific chakra could help, too. 

This is something that we can learn to do by ourself and will do us a lot of good. If we are having headaches, we would need to focus on the first chakra (Mars) and unblock the energy which is not flowing to the head, therefore headaches might appear.

#Aries the head, the pineal gland, the eyes, Mars muscles and when the planet is afflicted by transit on this sign and you are getting surgery, we might expect, Heaven forbid, a hemorrhage. The same with the Moon which rules moods: when it is negatively afflicted by transit look at the sign it is transiting in because the associated body part might have a hemorrhage during surgery.

#Taurus: the throat, the neck, the voice, AND Venus rules the skin of the person.

#Gemini: the nervous system. The lungs and movement. Gemini's might find it difficult to stand still they constantly need movement. Mercury: problems with language and speaking, extreme nervousness, problems with the mind.

#Cancer: the breasts and the stomach, extreme moodiness, mood swings, over sensitive to the mental atmosphere. 

#Leo: the heart, the entire cardiovascular system, the back. The Sun: inflammation. Confusion if Mercury is close by because it causes an obliteration of the mind. 

#Virgo: the intestines, the guts.

#Libra: the kidneys but Venus rules the skin so Libra's are obsessed with the use of cosmetic creams.

#Scorpio: the genitals, so if Mars is afflicted in Scorpio, expect a genital inflammation.

#Sagittarius: the legs, the hips, Jupiter rules the veins and circulation, beware of Jupiter because it also rules weight gains, it makes people fat.

#Capricorn: the teeth, the bones, the knees, and Saturn rules blockages like constipation or mental and emotional blockages if afflicted by Mercury or the Moon.

#Aquarius: the ankles, the ligaments.

#Pisces: the feet. 

We can see there is a plethora of information we can derive from a Horoscopic chart and its transits to clarify the medical conditions of a person.

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